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After Care Instructions

These are all great tips for handling and maintaining balloons! It’s important to keep in mind that balloons are delicate and can easily be damaged, so handling them with care is essential. Keeping them in a room temperature environment away from direct sunlight and heat can help prevent them from popping or deflating prematurely. It’s also a good idea to avoid leaving balloons in a car for extended periods of time, as the heat inside the vehicle can cause them to expand and pop.

Supervising children when they are around balloons is important as well, as they can be a choking hazard. It’s best to keep balloons away from young children, or to only give them to children who are old enough to handle them safely.

Finally, it’s great to know that Balloons BY Eli uses high-quality, biodegradable balloons made from natural rubber latex. This not only helps to reduce environmental harm, but also ensures that the balloons are safe and long-lasting.
